<-- **** DONE: 1/48 P-38G Lightning - Twin Engined Aircraft of WWII

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Chief Master Sergeant
Jan 18, 2011
Username: le_steph40
Name: Stephane (Steph)
Category: intermediate
Scale: 1/48 scale
Kit: Hasegawa JT3 P-38F/G/H Lightning
Accessories: Tally Ho decals 48038(review here: review Tally Ho! 1/48 Lockheed P-38 Lightning Part 3 decal sheet 48038

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The project is P-38H-1-LO "white 10" serial 42-66532 (or 42-12859) flown by Captain (later Major) Thomas J. Lynch, 39FS-35FG, based at Tsili Tsili during May or Summer 1943.

The man
Thomas Lynch - C.O. 39th Fighter Squadron
Thomas J. Lynch (aviator) - Wikipedia

The project (during May 1943)
Lynch T. J.-P38H, mai 1943.jpg

Some sources suggest that it is the same aircraft as below with the rank changed and victories added (September 1943)
Lynch T. J.-P38H, sept 1943.jpg

This one seems to be 42-66532 but not sure about the number "white 10".
I think to build my model as "white 10" during May 1943 (serial probably 42-12859 =>
P-38G-5-LO) with the rank of Captain and 10 victory flags.
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Nice choice Steph, looking forward to seeing it develop.
I don't think they are the same aircraft in the pics - the upper/lower camouflage demarcation appears to be different, as well as the location of the pilot's name and the victory marks.
Nice choice Steph, looking forward to seeing it develop.
I don't think they are the same aircraft in the pics - the upper/lower camouflage demarcation appears to be different, as well as the location of the pilot's name and the victory marks.

I think you're right Terry. I checked my documents and it seems the aircraft with 10 victory marks is P-38G-5-LO serial 42-12859 "white 10" flown from early April 1943 to late July or early August 1943. Victory number 10 the 8 May and a probable the 26 July, the 11th was with 42-12839? the 10 June. Serial 42-66532 "unknown number" was flown from August to September, victory 12 to 16.
I need your opinion concerning my project. There is no doubt regarding "white 10" with 10 victory marks. The serial is probably 42-12859, a P-38G-5-LO, but du to the period, May 1943, I modified the drawing and I deleted the white bars on national insignias and the blue at the top of the tail and I added the 2 blue strips around the tails because Tom Lynch was commander of 39 FS at this time. He was promoted to Major and took command of 35 FG during July 1943.
Lynch T. J.-P38G, mai 1943.jpg

Do you think it's the most probable scheme ? Thank you for your help and comments ;)
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Bring it on Steph! Looking forward to seeing your touch on the Hasegawa Lightning kit! On the box art... what is that grey circle on the inboard side of the engine nacelle?
Actually the mirror wasn't any additional part mounted there.Just it was a polished oval showing a reflection of the nose gear position to the pilot.

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