**** DONE: GB-61 1/48 FM-1 Wildcat - Carrier and Maritime Aircraft (1 Viewer)

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Thanks again.

I'm at the point where this build is becoming a chore rather than a pleasure so really need to get motivated to go back to the bench. These decals continue to be annoying, again because there is nothing holding them to the surface once the film is removed. In this case, the decals that represent the tape over the gun ports were applied and the film was removed. As soon as I went to spray a clear coat on, the decals blew apart over the holes.


The antenna post on the rudder has been glued on for a second time. I cut off the kit one and glued on a brass one but that got knocked off once already.


Whip antenna and lights added onto the spine:


I'll keep plugging but really want to get past this thing. A few more fiddly things to add and then it will be put on the back of the shelf.
Last little bits slapped on and I'm calling it done.

Complex system of radio and IFF wires. Forgot to paint the brass tube but oh well.... The IFF wire was glued to a pin hole that once again damaged the decal. The touch up colour is a miss.


Exhaust stubs added and stains brushed on with pastel. Didn't feel like getting the airbrush out.


Top shot with white insulators added to the IFF wires.


Last one.


I'm so done with this kit. Decals let me down a lot. Rudder antenna post broke off three times, once intentionally. Last time was with the wire already glued on and so was a bitch to put back on. There are a lot of little things that need fixing but I've lost the motivation to do any more.

There wont' be any finished pics of this build and am going to take a break before thinking about another build. Thanks everyone for sticking around and providing encouragement. Hopefully I'll feel up to starting something for GB 62 soon.

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