<-- Mosquito FB.VI - Twin Engined Aircraft of WWII

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That's probably what's confused the single brain cell in the Department of Work and Pensions !

Thanks Wayne. The 'patchiness' has settled down a bit since the paint cured, and should be even once the gloss and matt clear coats are done.
Gloss coat is on, but not much to show just yet - hoping to get the decals on some time tomorrow, if the varnish has fully hardened.
Got the wing tanks painted, using Xtracolor 'Duralumin' enamel, applied by brush. I need to re-touch them, as I accidentally caught the edge of one with tweezers, before the paint had fully dried.
The main decals are on, and some of the stencils. Note the Type 'C1' roundels on the upper wing surfaces, introduced on January 4th, 1945.
The only kit decals used are the fin flashes, with the remainder being from various Xtradecal sheets for the national markings, codes and serial numbers, with the stencils coming from the Aviaeology 'Mosquito Stencils' set. The red 'X' warning panels on the radiator covers were made up from red decal strips from Xtradecal, with the 'Keep Off' stencils again from the Aviaeology sheet.
The red strips have a couple of small kinks and bends here and there, as they were a real b*gger to try to align, but this can't really be noticed unless looking closely - I hope !
Just got to apply around 30 more stencils, then clean the model once all the decals are fully set, before spraying the matt clear coat.
All being well, I should make Sunday's deadline, and also get the NF.XII finished.

Bob's Mosquito Build 275.JPG
Bob's Mosquito Build 276.JPG
Thanks Robert.
Apart from the red warning panels, which took quite some time to do, the rest of the decals went on smoothly and quickly, without any problems.
She looks good Terry are you using/getting use to the MM paints?
Thanks chaps - just a few more stencils decals to apply, and hopefully get the matt clear coat on tomorrow.

Kevin, this one was painted using mixed Humbrol paints, but I love the MM paints, which are very like what Humbrol used to be.
I think Geo was referring to us having to use IE when there was a forum problem a few weeks back - I normally use Chrome, as Firefox causes a few problems with some applications.
Terry my LHS now in new hands once again and I hope better has an old rack of the Humbrol like they use to be I am slowly amassing quite a selection .You can even see were the new labels of the new corp. was put over the old one almost transparent.
Thanks chaps - just a few more stencils decals to apply, and hopefully get the matt clear coat on tomorrow.

Kevin, this one was painted using mixed Humbrol paints, but I love the MM paints, which are very like what Humbrol used to be.
I think Geo was referring to us having to use IE when there was a forum problem a few weeks back - I normally use Chrome, as Firefox causes a few problems with some applications.
I am with you, Chrome is what I use on both Windows and Mac. Firefox was always a tad odd on how it handled certain pages. And IE, well thats an abomination not a browser. I feel for Geo if he is forced to use that.
I think I spoke too soon, and I nearly had a thrombie when I saw what's shown in the pics below !
The decals that have been applied so far, had been in place since Tuesday evening, so, as a couple of areas not yet decalled really needed a little more of a gloss finish, I attended to that, and also sealed the decals with a thin coat of Humbrol Gloss Clear, late last night.
Aaarrgh !
The code letters wrinkled, as shown !
None of the other decals were affected, apart from one character in the serial numbers whih was very slightly 'bubbled', and they're all from Xtradecal, with the exception of the fin flashes, and the 'Keep Off' stencils on the rad covers.
I've never seen this happen before, to this extent, although the RAF Mitchell I did recently had one code letter very slightly wrinkled, but nowhere near as severe as this !
Thankfully, when I checked the model a few minutes ago, the code letters seem to have settled, apart from a couple of tiny wrinkles, which I think can be pressed out.
The effect was rather like what can be seen after applying Micro Sol or Micro Set to 'raw' decals, only much more severe, and I can only think it happened due to the extremely thin carrier film.
Hopefully, now that the decals are sealed (or at least I bl**dy well hope they are !), they should be safe when the matt clear coat is applied.
When I did the decals on the Mosquito NF.XII, the code letters were also from Xtradecal, but I didn't seal them with gloss, just spraying the clear matt after they'd settled and set after 24 hours or more. In future, I think I'll stick to that practice.

Anyway, I'll leave the model for another few hours, in order to ensure the 'new' clear gloss has fully hardened, then finish the stencil decals. The clear matt will be sprayed when I'm confident that all the 'new' decals are really stuck down fast !

Bob's Mosquito Build 284.JPG
Bob's Mosquito Build 287.JPG

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