Cory (catch22) passed away (1 Viewer)

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Thanks for posting the link Karl.

Ditto that. Thanks.

I remember seeing in the 90's an SBS TV documentary on death and dying and one participant was a young woman who was soon to die from cancer, in front of the camera, very distressed, pleading for a "fair share of life".

But life can be very unfair.

Very sad to hear.
My prayers and condolences to his family and the forum family here. It's always hard to understand why people pass on so young. Many years ago one of my sister's friends died of leukemia at the age of 18. She was only a few months from graduation in high school.
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Condolences for his family and clear skies my friend, R.I.P. , he was always so supportive of others in the hobby and great to talk with, I enjoyed many of his builds and he will be greatly missed.
My prayers and condolences are with the family. It is an irreparable loss; I did not have the pleasure to meet him, except in his works in the forum and some kind comments to my works.
Very young Cory, but those who knew him better will have beautiful memories and anecdotes of him and the brave to face in the best way the life that he had to live.
I am clear the large number of people, colleagues, comrades and good friends that make up this forum. My sincere condolences to all of you for the loss of Cory, companion and friend. I included myself.

Luis Carlos
Man to think we were just talking last month on FB. Used to have great hockey conversations.

Make the most out of life my friends, make the most out of friendships and family. Don't let stupid things get in the way. You never know when it's too late to fix things...

Sorry about the lil soap box episode there.

Farewll Cory. Rest in Peace...

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