**** DONE: GB-40 1:48 Nakajima B6N2 - Heavy Hitters III

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This should be good, only thing i didn't like about the Jill when i built one was all that cockpit detail is damn near invisible once you close up the fuselage....
Just a heads up, as I'm going to be building this kit hopefully sooner then later I had a bit of correspondence with Nick Millman of Aviation of Japan about some of the colors, apperantley, and I think it shows in the pics, the interior was roughly over-sprayed in Zinc Chromate. It seems the interior colors would be closer to the C6N1 Myrt, I am going to paint mine in a FS 34097 with the boxes panels and seats in something close to FS14056.
Innards paintin' time. Spent a few days trying to figure out what I could put together before painting. The bombardier and gunner seats were three pieces and the cockpit floor has nine. The pieces in the clamps require to be lined up to both the floor and right sidewall


Note the spare MG magazines and MG holder just above the three very tiny fuselage windows. I'll blast the area with innards color but I'm pretty sure the details will be lost when every thing is closed up. I've seen the entire instrument panel painted in innards color, just the supports in innards color and I.P. in black, and everything in black
Innards were shot but the discerning eye will noticed I missed around the spare MG magazines, I'll reshoot shortly. Please not that the color shown isn't even close to real life, it's just the best of the photos I shot...


To illustrate, I always shoot multiple photos of the same shot. Below from left to right: no flash, slow synchro flash and full flash. I take the best of the best, color match or not.


In real life its kinda between the left and middle shot...

Good start Geo. I tend to avoid flash completely as it does wash out colours. I shoot from a tripod using a 50mm macro lens, close the aperture right down to get high depth of field and use a remote shutter release. Can't complain about your pics though.
Reshoots are done, areas all covered. Thanks Andy. I really should start playing around with my big Canon and tripod. These are hand held, taken with my little point and shoot Canon set at 1.5X magnification. Believe it or not, the top photo was taken at 1/20 sec. Anyhoo.....going to let it dry for a bit and then paint all the boxes.
Se ve muy bien tu comienzo George.

About the pictures, I will not be able to help you, I just take pictures with my cell phone.
The last camera I had was a Minolta of interchangeable cartridges with rolls of 12, 24, 48 photos. I like photography but now my cell phone meets my requirements. :snaphappy:
Colours roughed in awaiting a second coat and touch-ups and then I will gloss coat for weathering.




I ran out of enthusiasm painting the little boxes in the pilot area. I have no idea what was painted what in real life, going by instructions and the few other builds I could find. I'll get back to it after the game.....GO NUCKS..........................


It looks great George, those little boxes you painted with a brush? ... what a good pulse, and it's a very clean job.
On the other hand luck to the Vancouver Canuks :headbang:
Thanks guys. Canucks suck....Luis, I used a Games Workshop Detail brush to paint around the edge of the boxes and then a Leonhardy #2 round to paint the rest. I was also wearing some 2X reading glasses and an opti-visor. I bought some Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color(PLAC) a while ago and thought I would test drive it here in an area that will be covered just in case things went side ways. The area has to be covered with Future as one uses spirits to remove the excess.There is a very fine brush attached to the lid, the same as Tamiya's liquid glue. My first thought was "Yikes....this goes on thick"....


Wait a few minutes, lightly dip a Q-tip in some spirits and lightly work away...


Not to shabby. I just went down to clean that panel to the top right. I left this on for about an hour and it cleaned up no problem. You can see the other panel lines in the area have been done with Citadel Sepia wash which is what I used on the rest of the innards. The PLAC works well but I prefer the ease of the Citadel washes. I will use this for aircraft panel lines, the brown on darker camo and the grey and light grey on lighter camo. There is black as well but it's pretty stark. What's that light mark around the hole you ask? Some idiot online suggested that Tamiya X-20A thinner could be used to remove the PLAC. This was done in an area that will be covered and the result was nope, nope and nope. Not gonna do that again. Anyhoo....the rest of the innards...




I'll let these dry, flat coat and then do final weathering

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