On-line store closures.

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Benevolens Magister
Aug 24, 2008
Cheshire, UK
Putting this here, as not sure where else to put it.

Both Hannant's and Model Hobbies in the UK, have posted on their web-sites that they will close this evening, 24th March, until further notice. Existing on-line orders will be processed and shipped.
This is presumably due to the UK Government enforcement because of the Covid-19 emergency, where all unessential stores and shops etc have to close. Although on-line sales are still allowed, I presume these closures are to protect staff, as well as limiting un-essential travel etc.
Let's hope that both of these well established businesses survive, especially Hannant's, which have been going long before the birth of plastic modelling.
Anyone who orders through eBay - Note that any type/kind of live help is no longer available. All HELP contact is via email with about a 24hr lag time. Same with PayPal
I took advantage of my local hobby shop here in Louisville, KY USA providing curbside delivery. I was running out of Tamiya Masking Tape and CA needed for work on the Typhoon. I have declared hobby shops as an essential business (along with liquor stores) in maintaining the mental well-being of people under shelter-in-place orders to avoid getting sick. I predict a rash of births in 9-10 months and many terrific models being completed. We're some of the lucky ones; having an engrossing activity that takes place indoors at home.

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