A 50 US Gallon drop tank?

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Capt. Vick

Jul 23, 2008
Long Island, New York
Purchased a book that has a couple of pictures of the third Curtiss XP-55 Ascender equipped with wing drop tanks. (These images are readily available on line.) One of the captions says that they are 50 gallon drop tanks. Could this be right? They certainly don't look like the familiar metal stamped 75 gallon variety with the front filling cap. What could they be and does anyone have dimensions or drawings?

Thanks, Capt. Vick
I think I know the ones you mean, which were used, AFAIK, only on the P40 series, as belly tanks. These were similar in shape to the later, 75 gal 'teardrop' tank, but I'd read that they were more expensive to manufacture, and later types of aircraft such as the P51 and P47 utilised the 75 gal tank, as well as the metal, and the 'paper' 108 gal tank, among others.
The two pictures in question are also shown in the book:

American Secret Pusher Fighters of WWII: XP-54, XP-55, and XP-56 by Gerald H. Balzer


Here is the same picture used in the book with the caption on it being a 50 gallon drop tank. Unfortunately it's only partially visible.


Will keep looking for the inflight photo...
Yep, that's the tank I was thinking about. I've seen many pics of earlier US and RAF P40's using a similar tank, and I believe (having just remembered) that early P47's also used them briefly.
I can't promise anything Vick, but I might have a scale plan with these tanks included, from which you could maybe make a tank or two from Milliput, or carve from balsa then mould in resin?
I'll also see if I can find any after market ones on some of the U.K. suppliers sites; leave it with me for a couple of days.

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