*** GROUP BUILD #18 “Heavy Hitters II ” – Winners - JUDGED COMPETITION ***

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
Once again time has raced past us at a fast rate of knots…and Without further delay, Here are the Winners for GB 18:

Category 1 Beginner / Novice / Casual CATEGORY.

We had 2 completed entries in this Section from One of our Members.
1st Place in this Category goes to : Michael - Parsifal : for his Supermarine Seagull V
2nd Place in this Category goes to : Michael - Parsifal : for his P-38H Lightning

Category 2 Intermediate / Casual CATEGORY.

We had another great turnout with 8 completed entries in this section from Members, some extremely tough decisions and close scores made this a very interesting section to judge yet again… culminating in 2 entries being tied for 3rd place…

1st Place in this Category goes to : Peter – Ozhawk for his P-61A
2nd Place in this Category goes to : Sergio - Destrozas for his Pe-8 AM-35A
3rd Place in this Category, goes to : Karl : Rochie for his Hs129B and Sergio : Destrozas for his Typhoon IB

Category 3 Experienced / Expert CATEGORY.
We again had 2 members go head to Head in this battle…with 3 entries between them this time…

1st Place in this Category goes to : Glenn – T Bolt for his B-24H
2nd Place in this category gores to : Bill – N4521U for his Lancaster Mk.III
3rd Place in this Category goes to :Bill – N4521U for his Blenheim Mk.IV

CONGRATULATIONS therefore go to Michael, Peter and Glenn for their Winning entries and also to the second and Third place getters.

A BIG Thankyou to all members who yet again found the time to participate in this Build, finished or not.

And in closing We again appreciate the time and effort put in by all participants at the various levels, and the outstanding exchange of Information, Hints, Tips, Parts and Decals to those who required something to help their project, this alone shows the fantastic willingness of ALL to help each other and is the real backbone of the Group build experience….
Please continue to support the Group Builds in any way you can whether you build something or just enjoy watching others do their stuff!
We want this to be a friendly atmosphere and above all…..have FUN first and Foremost!
Thanks again goes out to…The Judging Panel for their time and effort !
It is a shame that the Short Sterling wasn't finished in time, it was a very strong contender.
Good job to everyone for contributing.........
A fine group of builders.

I don't mind coming in behind Glenn's Build..... a finish to strive for.
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I was a bit embarrassed that mine were the only completed entries in the beginner category, but it certainly makes me look good to get two placings for two entries. what do you do with someone like me though....im just not up to standard yet to compete at a higher level. Need to find some new competitors to spread it out a bit. its not mostly about the competition, I get that, but it is still a competition, or should be.

Well done though to the real model builders. intermediate looked like it was a real tussle.

Advanced was slightly less competitive, simply because of the numbers, but that is not to say the competition was not stiff.

I can honestly say that for me the buzz is not about winning, its about learning skills and making stuff that I really like to look at. in this place the support you get from people is really amazing as well i might add
I was a bit embarrassed that mine were the only completed entries in the beginner category,

I can honestly say that for me the buzz is not about winning, its about learning skills and making stuff that I really like to look at. in this place the support you get from people is really amazing as well i might add

All of us were beginners at one time, well there might be one exception.... You're doin okay.

And you have hit the nail on the head with the second part. We build to our skill level, improving a little every build. No oone expects more!

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