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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
Saw this drawing in Life magazine, 23 Feb. 1942 article, "An Era of Empire Ends at Singapore." Note propellers in the aft.


Google turns up nothing for me, soooooo, real or artistic license?
New one on me but surprisingly seems to be genuine, at least in part.

Type E landing craft for troop and horse transport in rivers and swampy areas.

Seems like an exaggeration for that vessel to be landing tanks. But the Japanese did transport tanks across the Johore Strait, but probably in one of the other types they had. If you move back and forth to earlier/later pages you will see some of the options.

The vessels used at Singapore were only described as "barges and collapsible boats" in the accounts I have read with some 400 being available to each attacking division. The Type E would seem entirely suitable for a landing on Singapore's north western corner where the Japanese landed. That side was full of mangrove swamp, jungle and broken by creeks and rivers.

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