Mossie vs Ju88

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no this was a German scheme while portions of NJG 100 were at Czech airfields towards wars end. Sadly the code has been painted out so I do not know what staffel it is from
well, just received word from Germany some 6 hrs ago that ace nf pilot Martin Becker has now passed as of last night. Martin did not see his 90th birthday and was was ill for some time. 58 kills, last Gruppenkommandeur of IV./NJG 6 flying a Ju 88G-6 without the SM installation. Both he and his Bordfünker Karl Johanssen were Ritterkreuz winners, Karl still being in good health.

RIP Martin
just caught my ace friend Peter Spoden at home before his trip this weekend for the Aviation print and book signing at Bucks England with two other NJG 6 kamerades. asked him aobut flying Ju 88G-6 in ground attack in spring of 45 :


According the KTB NJG 6 (war-diary) my group I and the IV NJG 6 started with ground attacks at 25th of March 1945 against the Rhein-bridge at Oppenheim with 12 Bf 110 and 4 Ju 88. We lost 2 Ju 88 and 4 Bf 110 because of heavy anti-aircraft fire by US troops at low altitude. I dont remember what kind of 2-cm-ammunition we used but remember we also used kind of "Streubomben" in containers under our a/c against road- and railway-traffic towards the other, meanwhile occupied side of Rhein-river where we could see thousands of lighted trucks streaming against Germany. I never forget that picture. Our success was more than marginal.
One fact about WW2 was that there were never enough Mossies!

Two of the most versatile warplanes ever up against each other - would make a good book!

Didn't I read somewhere that the LW liked the Mozzie so much they were actually considering copying it? They had their own Mozzie of course, the Moskito. Probably so as to get around any copyright infringement.

I wonder if a Ju88 ever got underneath a Mozzie and blasted it with the old SM?
to your last question.............yes as well as Beufighters, all done by Ju 88G-6's armed with Schrägwaffen.

read my earlier posts about my book(s)
BTW I'd reckon that at first the success would rely on who had the better avionics. I read somewhere the Mozzie was a good 'stealth' plane thanks to its wooden construction c.f. all metal planes. Dunno how this would help hide from Wurzburgs etc and fighter direction given the 88 was operating over home turf.

They are about on a par wrt armament too. Ex for the SM I mentioned above.

All told I would think the Mozzie could outmanoeuvre the 88 on weight grounds if nothing else.

I wonder which was the more robust. Maybe the liquid-cooled Merlins were less robust than air-cooled radials of the 88.
just to add my two cents ............ Ju G-1 had BMW 801's and the G-6 had in-line Jumo 213E's hot rods up to 2500hp; circular radiators but from the outside you would say with the cooling grills which were needed they were somewhat cone shaped.....

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