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Nov 22, 2009
The Jungles of Canada
This is a very handy tool if you want to find info about a certain photo. First, download the Add-on from Mozilla -
Then find a photo you need info on(personal photos or some photos that have been manipulated won't work)...


Now right click on the image and hit Reverse Image Search...


If all goes according to plan, another Tab opens up with your image from probably every web site it is on(note slider on the right, lots of sites with this image).


Now comes the detective work of finding out what you want to know. Many are in foreign language so a page translator is handy.

Google Chrome allows you to drag a pic from your hard drive into a box on their browser and as soon as you let go it starts searching. It's come in quite handy when trying to find a source or caption info.
Since I first posted this Google made a deal with Shutterstock. Not sure what the deal entails but as far as I'm concerned, GRIS is now a piece of crap, at times its not even close
I wonder what improvements they've made over the years, there were some images I was trying to find their source years back and little came out of it. Some pictures were of an adult nature, others were simply trying to tie a face to a name (a random face, who's picture I stored for some reason, and never got around to deleting), and some traced back to their source.
Paradoxically, I've spent nearly 10 years trying to defeat reverse image searches. Tis the scourge of aircraft identification threads throughout the internet. ;)

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