Supermarine Spiteful and the Merlin?

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Staff Sergeant
Nov 3, 2022
Mansfield, Ohio, USA
My question is that on the Old Machine Press website that the Spiteful was designed to use some version of the Rolls-Royce Merlin two stage supercharged engine. This was apparently in case there was difficulties or production shortfalls for the originally intended Griffon 60 series and later engines. Of course, all Spitefuls were Griffon 60/80/100 series powered, so there was no Merlin version built.

My questions are, what versions of the Merlin would've been looked at if it's true that the Merlin was seen as a possible alternative? And if so, what would the advantages/disadvantages of such a fitting be?
My questions are, what versions of the Merlin would've been looked at if it's true that the Merlin was seen as a possible alternative? And if so, what would the advantages/disadvantages of such a fitting be?

I guess that any Merlin 100 with proper rotation will do.
Advantages vs. historical Spiteful would've been it's lower cost both to buy and operate, greater knowledge base by mechanics wrt. the engine choice, a bit longer range of the fighter, improved handling due to the lower powerplant weight. It might be an easier sell post-war vs. the glut of the excellent fighters now available for sale.
Shortcoming is that it will not be as fast as the Griffon powered version (talk 450-460 mph vs. 480-490?), and will climb less well.
An earlier Merlin-powered Seafang would be nice. Swap out the Griffin and counter rotating props the Seafire Mk.III's 1,585 hp Rolls-Royce Merlin 55 and 4-bladed constant-speed propeller, and a wide undercarriage, robustly built Seafang would be welcomed.
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