What are you doing today? (5 Viewers)

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No, I've been through stifling humidity before. Once was enough....a little of the heat would be nice, though. =)
Sorry but it only comes as a package deal...
I just realized we have "what annoyed you", "what cheered you up", "what made you sad" and even "what are you listening to" threads, but not a thread that covers what's going on when members check in with the forums.

At the moment, I'm taking a break from renovating the shop on my property. It was built in 1971 for a "mom & pop" Log Truck outfit and over the years (and through several owners) languished.

So I've been in the process of cleaning up the shop, like repairing the evaporative cooler, insulating and adding drywall and most important: installing a real work bench.

This is a photo of the South-east corner of the shop as I was getting started:
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And this is a current photo:
View attachment 721306

The work bench is seven feet wide on the left and eight feet wide on the right and made with 2x6 construction with 4x4 uprights. The work surface will eventually be 3/4" plywood covered with sheet metal.
View attachment 721307

So that's what I've been working on today, what are you guys up to?
Modeling, gardening, painting the house, fixing the wife's car, dodging giant meteors or what?
Helping wife with laundry, including sheets, pillow cases, comforters, and the usual clothes, making 4 or 5 laundry loads. Her friend told her that (superstition) if you do laundry on New Years Day someone you know will die, so we have to get it all done today. I called bullsh*t on it but to no avail. When my mom was still alive she always had a lunch with hog jowl and black-eyed peas on New Years Day (Southern supersition) in order to bring you good luck in the year. My wife doesn't like black-eyed peas and called bullsh*t on THAT. When the laundry is done, I figure I'm going find and put on my clean "lucky socks", because they are SmartWool and my feet are cold.
Finally installing my flooring in my office/war room…

Later cooking a Coq au Vin…

Ripped up the rotted cedar planks on the deck. There is a bunch of water logged beams underneath. My plan is to keep them exposed in the hopes of them drying out before I put down new cedar planks. Unfortunately we are to be hit with snow and or rain today+. Anybody know if my thinking is sane here?
Ripped up the rotted cedar planks on the deck. There is a bunch of water logged beams underneath. My plan is to keep them exposed in the hopes of them drying out before I put down new cedar planks. Unfortunately we are to be hit with snow and or rain today+. Anybody know if my thinking is sane here?
If those beams look "iffy", apply some PC Rot Terminator to any areas that look sketchy.

This stuff saved my ass after I discovered that the beams on the end of the house were getting water rot.
Uploaded coursework and video of class, and then posted assignment for this week's discussion. Just need to get lessons ready for the week.
Got the last of the Christmas decorations down and put away until next winter.
Now trying to map out the routes to all my kids' basketball games this week.
At least one game each day, some up to two hours from home/work.
I've been trying to bring down the Xmas lights sinve the first week of January.

Every single time I've had thw opportunity, it's rained.

I may just say eff-it and leave them up until October, when the Halloween Lights go up...
The upright freezer decided it's going to retire, so it's currently got "short timer's disease" (i.e., showed up for work, but don't ask it to do anything).
Long story short, I'm having a repair guy take a look at it....unfortunately, I won't be able to contact him until at least tomorrow morning, so I spent part of today transferring frozen goods to my two refer/freezers.
My brother and his wife were keeping some frozen shrimp in there, too, but they found out they have COVID, so I delivered the shrimp to them in a 50+ year old cooler (remember when they were made of tin? Yeah, one of those), because my brother is way to attached to the old relic to let it go.
After that, it was time to make dinner, so I made fried chicken with some Crisco I found at the grocery store (they still make it?!) and used up the last of my favourite instant mashed potatoes, after which I kicked myself, because I JUST made an order with Amazon and meant to add those to the order (oh well, just ordered another box. It'll be here Wednesday. Good enough).
Now I'm catching up on the Roadkill episodes I missed earlier today, and then bed...and at this rate, that's going to be 5 minutes before sunrise.
...another day, another $3.86. =)
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