Who Here Likes Indian Food?

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Chief Master Sergeant
Nov 9, 2015
Who here likes Indian food, and what's your favorite dishes?
.... when i was younger ... pakoras to munch with cold kingfisher beer, samoas to dip in sweet sauce, mutton curry with rotis and finish with mango sherbet ...
.... these days when I want that experience I eat hakka .... no alchol ... ice tea ... vegetable pakoras ... crispy beef with steamed rice and cripsy noodles with chicken and shrimp
I really enjoyed Indian cuisine. My favorite dish is muligiwatani(?) soup. I can't spell it but I sure love to say it.
I love Butter Chicken (it may end up being the death of me) though I also like Murgh Palak (or Chicken Saag Wala)
mmmm yes, I do like a good Indian - dish that is, something with flavour, spicy but not too hot. My weak Western reared palette can't deal with the fiery stuff.
Ive eaten Indian food in UK, France Germany and Indonesia the stuff in Indonesia was the best, cant remember the names but the names mean little. I spent a year in China and never had one meal that someone in UK would recognise as "Chinese".
I love a good Ruby Murray (for the uninitiated, that's cockney rhyming slang for curry....as a generic term for any British variant of an Indian meal).

Too many favourites to list. CTM (chicken tikka masala) is my go-to, and my measuring stick by which I judge any Indian restaurant. Also a big fan of lamb korma, passanda or rogan josh. Oh...and any balti dish, which actually originated in England.

I like saag aloo and saag paneer as side dishes, and you can't beat a good onion bhaji as a starter. I'm a fan of garlic naan but I prefer Peshwari naan, particularly if I'm dialling up the heat of the dish where the sweetness of the naan cuts into the spice 9f the dish.

Other curry options are available.
I'm a fan of a number of Indian/Pakistani dishes: There's obviously Murgh Makhani & Chicken Tikka Masala (I'm more a Murgh Makhani fan because it's a more classic recipe, and dark meat is better than just white meat), I'm pretty fond of Tandoori Chicken because it's less fatty than the previous and still quite flavorful, and a medium-spicy Chicken/Lamb Vindaloo has a good spice level.

A good chaat is a nice thing, and there was this place that was Pakistani that made this remarkable dish that was kind of like a chaat, but it had these patties in them that were different. I'm not sure if they were lentils
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Making homemade Tandoori Chicken, Murgh Makhani Sauce, and Naan bread today.

The whole house smells like good Indian food. The Tandoori is marinating for later today.

Chickpea flour
Fresh ginger
Karameesh Chili powder
Garam Masala
Coriander powder
Cinnamon powder
Chaat Masala


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