**** DONE: GB-49 1/48 PR-XIX Spitfire - Favourite A/C of WWII

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Nov 1, 2009
Miranda, NSW
User Name: .......N4521U
Name: ................Bill
Category: ..........Advanced
Kit: .....................Airfix PR.XIX Spitfire
Scale: .................1/48
Accessories: ..... Paint? Sorry......
Extras................. I thought I was going to be able to scratch build the cameras, but seems Airfix included them in the kit!!!! Surprise!

Opening and looking at the parts it seams Airfix has produced a mighty fine kit. Parts are finished as nice as any I have built, but I m old!
Decals are for two diff countries. I wll be doing 888.
We shall see what kind of trouble I can get myself in to on this one as I am expert in working myself into corners.

Building as one of the last Recce Mk Spitfires put into service 1945, after D-Day, so no invasion stripes.
Built as a Mk,XIX, this was a pressurized Photo Recon AC.
Two toned, PRU blue bottom and Med Sea Gray top surface of fuselage, tail planes and wings.
The last image is Clavework Graphics Art of 888 for ref of colours.

GB49-01 888 in service.jpg

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Beauty Bill. This one is in the stash. If this is like the other Airfix Spitfires, the problem areas will be around the fuel tank area in front of the windscreen and a finicky join of the landing gear struts to their mounting points inside the wheel well. Checking back to my Mk.V build, I corrected the fuel insert first.
**** DONE: GB-42 1/48 Spitfire Mk.Vb - MTO II
Hopefully your landing gear goes better
**** DONE: GB-42 1/48 Spitfire Mk.Vb - MTO II
The wurst part of this build is matching the PRU Blue to be close.
I've chosen SMS lacquor colours, I do hope they are close.

I've skipped ahead a bit, getting to some of the scratch additions. lenses in the cameras!
A shot of the instr page area and of the steps I've taken.
Turning my Dremel in to a lathe to turn clear sprue down to fit in the camera body.
I did the same for the third camera.
I had to remove the locating pins in one of the cam bodies to get a better allignmant.
The fourth photo shows the slag on the mating face that had to be finished off to prevent a gap.
Done for the day.

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Thanks guys...........
I been at it the last couple of gays.
I've done some work on the oxy tanks, painting cameras, cam racks.
I have a PR manual showing cockpit equipment and it's sooooo different.
So it's scratch time!
Before and after shots, and yes the throttle quadrant is a bit oversize but so are me big fat mitts!
Some more piping to go in. There;s not as much as in the previous marks!

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