Man Attempts to Set Off Explosives on Plane

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Tech Sergeant
Jul 15, 2008
Federal officials and police are interviewing a Nigerian man, who allegedly tried to "explode" a powdery substance aboard a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit, injuring himself and two other passengers, law enforcement officials said.

Unconfirmed reports say a firecracker was ignited on flight bound for Detroit.

The man said he was directed by al Qaeda to explode a small device in flight, over U.S. soil, ABC News has learned. Authorities have no corroboration of that information, and the credibility of the suspect's statements are being questioned, officials said.

The man was apparently already on the government's no-fly list of suspected terrorists, according to a senior intelligence official.

Explosives on Northwest Airlines Plane from Amsterdam to Detroit - ABC News
This one's raising alot of flags

How did a no-fly guy get on a plane?
How the hell did his explosives follow him?
The type of terrorism we're facing is going to try and score points during a Christian festival, what happened to airport security?
seems fitting take him out and have fire ants crawl down his pants.

Somehow America needs to make a stance and say NO MORE B.S. from anyone. public execution ?

this is all getting quite old
King, the top Republican member of the House Homeland Security Committee, described the suspect in the attempted bombing of a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit as a 23-year-old Nigerian national with potential ties to al-Qaeda.

"He is a 23 year old Nigerian who is also - it's been confirmed to me - while he was not on a no fly list, his name was on a list for having terrorist connections," King said during an interview Christmas evening on CNN.

King: Airline bombing suspect had 'significant terrorist connections' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
We need to quit worrying about offending the guys who are trying to kill our citizens (and the citizens of our allies), and start making examples. "Try something and we'll beat you to death with your own leg while you lie twitching in a fresh pile of pig crap" has a much more serious ring than "try something and we'll appologize profusely while a raving band of lawyers beat upon your jail-cell door with schemes to get you free, sue the poor bastard who had the effrontery to actually keep you from killing fellow Americans (replace with country of choice), and score you a spot on some daytime talk show where you can moan about how benevolent your god is and how he wants you to kill everyone in the name of his mercy."

I mean, c'mon!
The problem most of these fools have, is that in a Democracy, the majority rules...not the individual. And when these people jump out there ranting and raving about how they want thier rights and freedoms, they forget that in doing so, they are walking all over other people's rights...

And that really pisses me off...

And congrats to the passengers who took that idiot down...I think alot of people learned a lesson from 9/11 and it'll make it alot harder for these idiots to pull thier stupid sh!t onboard flights in the future.
Dutch hero
Dutchman Jasper Schuringa, who was travelling on the plane, played a hero's role in preventing the attack. Minutes before landing the 32-year-old entrepreneur from Amsterdam saw the Nigerian man stand up suddenly and set light to something. Without hesitating, he dived on Mr Mutallab and held him so he couldn't move until after the plane had landed. In doing so he burned both his hands, ripped his clothing and lost his shoes.


  • dutch.jpg
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That man should not have to pay for a stitch of new replacement clothing, nor any liquid refreshment for some time to come. :occasion5:

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